Saturday, January 14, 2017

An Idea and a Plan for Cooking with Mom

The older we become the more we realize that your roots are an integral part of making you who you are. I have always have had this deep desire to know my heritage and the people who paved a way for me. Also, I believe that as we age it becomes more important and critical to connect ourselves to who we are and who made us that way.

My mama. If you are fortunate enough know her, you love her. She is kind. She is quirky. She loves her family and her friends with abandon- seriously, only God loves you more than my mother! She is intentional and always hopeful. She believes the best in people, in their inherent goodness  - something I believe she passed on to me and I treasure.  Everyday, every moment we spend together - I am happy to say I see something more of her in me. And that is my absolute treasure and a legacy that is unbelievable. She doesn't always believe me when I say these kind of things to her, but mom, believe them.

Part of the reason I wanted to embark on this journey with her is because I wanted to know her more. I want to understand her quirks and learn the things that make her tick. You might think that after nearly thirty seven years as her daughter, I would know these things, but I think I am just beginning to know them. 

So you're like, so what are we doing here- what is this journey? 

There's this brown wooden box. It has been in every kitchen we've ever lived in and it's full of my history. Wonderful rich recipes written in the beautiful unmistakable handwriting of my grandmother. There are ones of my grandmother's friends, other relatives, and of course my mother. I even found a special note my dad had written to mom as a young bride on the back of one. Some of these recipes made up the dinner table of my childhood and others I've never had before.  So I thought why not make some of them- my mom and I (and my sister when she can join us). Old Memories creating new memories. It's perhaps one of the most lovely things there is. I get to combine two things I love- my mama and writing.  A perfect gift.

So, throughout the year- Mom and I will be cooking, laughing, sharing, and growing together over a taste of the past and a glimpse of the future. Then we will be writing about it - sharing how we made the old - new. I can't wait for you to join us along the way.

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